How To Deal With Nausea During Pregnancy Young

9:11 AM 0
How To Deal With Nausea During Pregnancy Young - Most of us know that nausea and even vomiting are the early signs of pregnancy, let alone that it is often shown on television especially like watching soap operas, there must have shown symptoms of nausea - vomiting as an early sign of pregnancy. This often makes the mother feel uncomfortable so wanted to treat nausea during pregnancy, especially young pregnant women.

Symptoms of nausea often experienced by young pregnant women (the first trimester), usually starting at the age of 6 weeks of pregnancy that can occur at any time, but most often in the morning. Therefore nausea during early pregnancy is called morning sickness. Most women do not experience nausea again when her pregnancy beyond 12 weeks or 3 months upwards.

Nausea during pregnancy (morning sickness) are not dangerous, both for the mother and fetus, but of course this makes uncomfortable so that the necessary steps to treat nausea during pregnancy is. In addition to morning sickness there are also other conditions in which pregnant women suffer from excessive vomiting that does not get enough food and drink intake. It can be harmful to the fetus and mother due to the potential lack of nutrients, fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Events are referred to as hyperemesis gravidarum, for handling necessary medical help.

Before discussing how to cope with nausea during early pregnancy, we need to know in advance that nausea is the result of an increase in hormones in the body during pregnancy. Many doctors believe that morning sickness is actually a good sign because it means that the placenta (the pregnancy) progressed well. It is experienced by more than 50% of pregnant women terutaama young pregnant the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to Overcome Morning Sickness

Here are some tips on how to cope with nausea during early pregnancy:
1. Eat a little but often (small but frequent)
2. Drink about 30 minutes before or after a meal, do not eat at the same time.
3. Drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration
4. Eat whatever you prefer good taste mupun tempting aroma, not including the origin of taboos pregnant women.
5.Avoid food that does not like, do not force yourself to eat food that is nauseating.
6. If the nausea increases when cooking out, send someone else to cook.
7. Adequate rest and nap
8. Avoid places that are stuffy, hot and stuffy because it will add to nausea.
9. Reduce sick by drinking lemon juice or ginger or fruit watermelon
10. Eating potato chips are delicious, because good taste and can make full.
11. Light exercise for pregnant women
12. Do not lie down after eating, wait at least one hour after eating.
13. Although nausea, do not be late meal let alone not eat. As this will add to nausea.
14. Do not cook or eat spicy food. It is nice when eating, yet spicy flavor will make stomach acid to rise and consequently will cause nausea.

Overcoming Hyperemesis Gravidarum

For those who experience excessive vomiting or hyperemesis gravidarum, For mild cases are treated the steps of proper diet, rest and antacids. More severe cases often require hospitalization so that the mother can receive fluids and nutrients through the IV tube. Remember! Any and DO NOT take medication to overcome this without consulting a physician first.

Mothers should contact a doctor if:
  • Experiencing nausea and vomiting excessively so that there is no intake of food or drink
  • Vomiting accompanied by pain, pain or fever
  • If nausea and vomiting continue until the second trimester (over 3 months)
Those are some tips on how to cope with nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy can we summarize. May be useful.

food for healthy hair

1:42 AM 0
food for healthy hair - Hair problems that most dirasaka by most women adaah dandruff. This is due to lack of care and cleanliness of the hair. Not to mention the other problems that make the hair becomes damaged our crown, as easy to fall out, branching, brittle and dull. It is also triggered by means of beautifying the hair the wrong use. Not even beautiful but can result in severe damage to the hair. Though the beauty of a woman lies in her hair, what if the woman's hair as the crown is damaged, it must be uncomfortable and unsightly.

Most hair treatment must be carried out with various products that comply with the condition of our hair problems, such as the use of shampoo, condisioner, until the hair vitamins are usually directly diaplikasinya on the surface of the hair. But apparently for maximum treatment is no treatment that comes from within, ie, by consuming food ingredients which have the nutrients needed by the hair, among others.

As for the food to hair health are as follows
  • Cheese and Yogurt For Brittle Hair
In both these materials contain any vitamin B5 which is capable of carrying blood to the scalp. Not to mention pntotenant acid in vitamin B5 can prevent hair loss and even baldness. 
  • Greens For Hair Growth
Spinach become one of the green leaf that can handle brittle hair and hair growth returns to a healthier state. The nutrients else so much, such as vitamin A, Iron, betakarotein, folate, and vitamin C that will work caring for hair growth perhelainya. And to keep the hair is not dry, because otherwise the hair will dry easily fractured or brittle.
  • Chickens For Hair Thickness
As the intake of protein for the body but also good for hair, especially for those of you want to have thick hair. Therefore this intake comes from meat chicken, why the selected chicken, because the fat content in chickens less than from other meats. It takes oil to keep the hair moist, but not too excess fat, will make the hair easily limp.
  • Cassava for Dry and Dull
Vitamin A in cassava help overcome dry and dull hair. If the hair is dry and dull it will cause hair loss and scalp becomes unhealthy. Even from the potatoes also contain beta carotene which gives moisture from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Besides potatoes, there are also foods such as yams the same benefits, ie, carrots, cantaloupe, and mangoes.
  • Fish To Shine
Having hair that shone like a hair shampoo ambassador and renowned artist is every woman's dream. If the hair care from the outside usually use shampoo manifold urang aring for making thick hair, black and berkeliau. So even by eating fish, especially salmon will give a lustrous and beautiful hair that makes it ideal for every woman. Due to the presence of fat in salmon that can take care of dry hair so that it becomes moist, and keeping it shiny.

Similarly, foods for healthy hair care. Because his entire body requires care that comes from outside and inside for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of problems, especially body hair. Not treating hair casually, like a day without combed hair tie, or using a vise too hot, then the hair coloring process with ingredients that spoil the beauty of our crown.

7 Ways To Organize Hair Looks Beautiful

1:08 AM 0
7 Ways To Organize Hair Looks Beautiful - Had long hair, black, shiny and beautiful hair is one type that would want to be owned by everyone, especially women. But it will be a lot of women who do not have the hair and can not even organize and form the hair to cover up the problem and deficiencies in your hair to look beautiful and more presentable.

For those of you who want to have hair that always looks neat and adds to your appearance becomes more interesting, here are 7 ways to look beautiful hair styling.

7 How to Organize Hair

  1. Determining the Type of HairBefore you do the grooming to make it look more beautiful and neat is to determine your hair type, whether the type of hair that is straight, wavy or curly. If you have wavy and curly hair then you should have your attention on more specialized hair to maintain the condition of your hair to keep it well maintained. How styling hair for hair types wavy or curly is the way in a ponytail, pigtails and braids two. And if you have straight hair types, the way of structuring your hair is very easy, because the arrangement for straight hair easier than with wavy and curly hair. How to setup for straight hair, one way you can do constantly combing your hair regularly and add a simple hair accessories for your hair look more beautiful. In this way, the better your hair is wavy and straight will look neater.
  2. Diligent for Washing HairHair washing is one of the main things you should do to care for your hair to always look clean. Make a shampoo or wash your hair 3 to 4 times a week.
  3. Doing Creambath Routine
    In order for your hair to look more beautiful, do creambath regularly three times a week. You can use some natural ingredients that you can use as a natural hair mask, such as aloe vera, celery, pecans and coconut oil. Or other than natural hair mask, you can use a hair mask some of the products sold in the market.
  4.  Using Hair TonerBesides always diligent to wash and do creambath next steps to arrange your hair to always look neat and beautiful hair is to use a toner after you finish shampooing. With toner hair then your hair will look always neat. And for good grooming for the type of straight hair or curly hair model did break off the arrangement and for those of you who have long hair braid use models for your hair always always neat and protected from dust.
  5.  Use Hair VitaminsUse vitamins needed by the hair to the growth and care of your hair. Wear hair vitamins secarat routine to meet the needs of hair that always looks beautiful and shiny.
  6. Use Blow DryFor those of you who want to have a neat and beautiful hair quickly then you can use the blower as one of your styling tools. How to use your hair basahkann ago keringka for 30 minutes. After that, comb your hair like biasan then gave a blow on the bottom of the hair. So in a short time your hair will get the beautiful hair.
  7. Some cut Damaged Hair
    The next way you can do in order to look beautiful hair that is by cutting partially damaged hair. As the hair tip branching, dry hair and other hair problems.
Those are some ways to look beautiful hair styling. Thank you for reading this article and hopefully useful.

Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee

9:54 AM 0
Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee - Coffee is one of the preferred drink both men and women, most people the reason they have the habit of drinking coffee is to reduce fatigue and stay focused on the job. Indeed, there are some positive benefits of coffee consumption, but it turns out coffee also had a negative impact if it has become a habit in the long term. For coffee lovers, the first thing that is most important for us to know that the content of the deepest in coffee is caffeine, and the caffeine content if you consume too much can lead to disastrous consequences for your health. So that the negative effects of drinking coffee is due to caffeine and tannic acid in it, this effect will start to come on slowly and affect the body. Negative effects include such tertaur heartbeat, restlessness, muscle twitching, and anxiety.

The devastating impact of the coffee drinking will be discussed in the following explanation

Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee for Women

As we have seen that not only the men who have the habit of consuming coffee, but some women also have the same habits. Consumption of too much caffeine can give side effects that are harmful to women's health. For more details, the following will explain the adverse effects of drinking coffee for women.

  • infertile
For the woman who had made coffee as drink specials and drink daily, you should know that with us consume excessive caffeine can affect female reproductive organs, causing the disease are on the organ in the female body that the fallopian tubes and endometriosis. The disease will cause and the cause of infertility in women, so it is that makes a woman's hard to get offspring. For women who want to get pregnant it is good to consider this matter and avoid the intake of caffeine.

  • causes Depression
The content of caffeine found in coffee that is too high will lead to depression and will cause the mood of women. Increased caffeine affects the production of dopamine and create dependence is very high. Indeed, so many women who find it difficult to abandon the habit of drinking coffee because they are caused by an increase in caffeine. However, as long as you do not consume coffee then dopamine would decline so that there will be sadness, depressed, and depression.

  • PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
For women monthly sick of this one is that it has become the nature of women, the aches and pains inflicted pain has also become accustomed. PMS is so intrusive and cause mood woman to be up and down is not known. Will tetpai did you know that coffee is a beverage that makes the body's metabolic system is not running properly. Caffeine itself causes dehydration so you will feel restless, easily provoked emotions and feel uncomfortable when the approach of PMS. Therefore, those who are menstruation avoid all kinds of beverages containing caffeine, particularly coffee. Better you multiply the water intake of more than usual to make the body metabolism system continues to run well.

  • Gastritis
Gastritis is a condition where there is inflammation in the stomach. The cause of this disease is diverse, but the triggering factor into his condition worsened that caffeine intake can be obtained from black coffee, soft drinks, chocolate or other foods that can increase stomach acid.

Adverse Effects of Coffee for Men

For most people, especially men, following the devastating impact of the coffee

  • Insomnia
The most common side effects of drinking too much coffee is hard to insomnia or sleep. This effect is caused due to the nature of caffeine in the body is to increase concentration and reaction speed of the body. So that by consuming coffee regularly in every day will make him change lifestyle and mood, including sleep time is reduced.

  •  Cardiovascular disorders
Adverse effects arising from the coffee drinking coffee next is a disorder of the heart. The first symptoms are caused heart palpitations would feel if too much coffee, because in certain levels of caffeine can affect the central nervous system in the brain.
  • Disruption Urinating
One of the benefits of consuming coffee is warm the body. When the weather is cold or are in the air conditioned room, warm up with a cup of coffee is not a good idea. As we already know that the cold just have menyebab a person more often than usual, because of the side effects of caffeine is a diuretic so it will create a need to urinate more and become frequent.

  • Indigestion
Further adverse impacts arising from drinking too much coffee is on gastrointestinal disorders such as stomach pains and nausea. This was so not because of the coffee we consume has expired, but caffeine itself that is meningkatkab acid production in the stomach. In addition, many compounds in coffee other than caffeine which can irritate the lining of the colon and digestive tract that can cause constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and heartburn.

  • Headache
Other effects caused from someone who already has the coffee drinking habits of more than 2 to 3 cups of coffee or five to six cups of coffee each day, the effects are headache because of caffeine intake that exceeds the limit.
  • Addiction
Coffee increases energy levels for the short term. But, once you get used to mengkonkumsi of coffee each day, a cup of coffee will not show hasi as before. Therefore, you will tend to drink more coffee to develop an addiction. It will also lead to adrenal fatigue.

For those of you who feel have the habit of drinking coffee and spend at least 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day, it's better now that you know the bad effects of coffee, you might think twice before drinking. Suggestions for fans to drink coffee that you should consider the recommended dose of caffeine intake per day is 200-300. If you want to stay healthy, avoid intake of caffeine is too much so, because basically something that excess will produce a bad thing and have a negative impact. Thank you for reading this article, hopefully useful. Read also other useful articles about the Fast and Easy Way to Remove Smallpox.

How to Overcome Overload Oil on Face

9:30 AM 0
How to Overcome Overload Oil on face. Besides acne, acne scars and dark spots on the face of one of the other kinds of problems is to have excess oil on the face. With these issues would be very disturbing appearance and reduce your confidence is not it? Because the everyday activities you would be bothered by the presence of excess oil on your face.

One of the causes of oily skin is that Sebaceous glands work excessively causing excess oil on your face. Other effects caused which would cause black spots on the face. But you do not feel anxious or worried in advance, for those of you who have skin problems the following ways to overcome the excess oil on the face.

The following characteristics Oily skin type for those of you who do not know:
  • Having skin elasticity or flexibility of a high
  • Prone skin layer exfoliation
  • On the chin, forehead and nose have high levels of excess oil
  • Skin surface looks rough
  • Visible blackheads and large pores on the surface of the skin
  • The skin looks shiny after cleaning.

Overcoming Oil Excess

1. Using Lime

Lime is very rich in Vitamin C and is very nutritious to help reduce and eliminate the excess oil on your skin. How to use lemon is cut in half and rub the meat or rub the lemon on the surface of your skin evenly and let stand for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do it carefully for fear of the affected area of the eye. Use lime routinely on a daily basis so that the oil on your skin to be reduced.

2. Using Cucumber

Besides believed to help eliminate acne and disguise dark circles on the eyes. Cucumber contains astringent besides useful for removing excess oil can also refresh your skin. How to use, parutlah cucumbers to taste until smooth to serve as a natural face mask. After that, apply grated cucumber evenly on your face and leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do it this way on a regular basis, but can help reduce excess oil, your skin will look more fresh and toned.

3. Using Celery

Celery is famous for one of the natural ingredients that can be used to help make the hair look more beautiful and shiny. Besides these benefits, celery can also eliminate the excess oil on your skin. How to use, cut celery up into several small pieces, then boil the celery pieces with clean water to the boil. After that, allow a few minutes for the cooking water gets warm and then wash your entire face using the celery cooking water and rinse using clean water. Do this 3 times a week on a regular basis.

4. Using Banana, Milk and Honey

Besides useful to help some skin problems like eliminating acne, acne scars, dark spots and pores on the skin. Other benefits of bananas that can remove excess oil on your skin. How to use is provide sufficiently that has been mashed bananas and mix with milk and honey and stir until evenly distributed to serve as a natural face mask. After that, apply the natural face mask on the surface of the skin evenly and thoroughly and let stand 10 to 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do this 3 times a week then your skin will be free from oily skin but it is also your skin will look brighter, smoother and fresher.

Those are some natural ways to overcome the excess oil on the face. To avoid oily skin must avoid fatty foods and oil content. Thank you for reading this article and hopefully useful.

10 Food Good for Maintaining Healthy Skin

9:11 AM 0
10 Food Good for Maintaining Healthy Skin. Have facial skin that always looks bright, toned and refreshed skin type is one that is certainly very diingankan by everyone, especially for women. One way to maintain and care for skin health is by eating foods that contain vitamins needed by the skin. Nowadays a lot of people who do anything to get the desired skin, for example such as using facial cream and facial skin care course at high cost. But did you know that the solution is easy to maintain the health of your skin from the inside, you simply consume either green vegetables or fruits on a regular basis that contain vitamins that are needed by the porters. The following explanation of some foods are good for maintaining skin health.

10 Foods Good for Maintaining Healthy Skin

  • Fish
 One type of food that is good for the health of your face, namely fish, such as tuna, swordfish and salmon is a fish species that contain low-fat source of protein and a source of omega-3 fatty acids naturally. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids found in foods may help to counteract the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. It is therefore good for you to consume one of these fishes.

  • Carrot
Carrots are one type of vegetable that contains many nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium to help maintain healthy skin. You can consume as much as 2 to carrot juice 3 cups in each day to ensure adequate intake of nutrients and vitamins needed by the skin.

  • Avocado
Avocados contain healthy fats that can be useful to keep your skin moist. You can consume avocados directly or juice aplukat can make it as much as 2 to 3 glasses per day. Besides beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, avocado is also believed to still moisturize your skin, especially for those of you who have dry skin.

  • Green tea
One of the compounds found in green tea polyphenols are antioxidants believed to be able to provide protection to the skin from ultraviolet rays directly. You can consume green tea regularly every day to maintain the health of your skin.

  • Turmeric
Vitamin C is very high in turmeric can also use as a traditional medicinal plant species to maintain the health of your skin believed to brighten the skin. By using turmeric that has been shredded until smooth. Then the turmeric powder mixed with lemon juice to taste, mixing these two natural ingredients is a powerful way to brighten the skin.

  • fruit Berry
Types of fruits that contain antioxidants that are rich in strawberry, blackberry and raspberry which is a type of fruit that you can eat to maintain the health of your skin. You can consume one of these fruits in each day that can be useful to help fight harmful free radicals in the attack ultraviolet radiation on the skin directly.

  • Black chocolate
Dark chocolate contains flavonoids very beeguna antioxidants for the skin to primarily to protect the skin from damage due to exposure to direct sunlight.

  • Cereals
The next food to maintain healthy skin that is kind of food grains such as beans and peas. Red beans and peas in addition to high fiber-containing banayak nutrients such as vitamin B, protein, iron and folate are certainly very well to meet the needs of your skin

  • Fruit Olives
Olives are also to be one type of food that is good for your consumption to maintain the health of your skin.

  • Fruits Containing Vitamin C
Last foods that can help maintain the health of your skin that fruits rich in vitamin C its like oranges, papaya, tomatoes believed to brighten your face naturally.

That's some kind of food that you can consume to maintain healthy skin naturally. Thank you for reading this article and hopefully useful.

How to Set Healthy Eating

7:36 AM 0
How to Set Healthy Diet - Most people do not realize that the way to eat or consume food to someone will be able to affect his health condition. Why is that? Because if we apply the wrong diet, it will cause health problems in our body. Therefore, this will be a major factor that can lead to decreased immune system in the body. This happens because our diet is wrong, or irregular eating patterns can lead to non-fulfillment of balanced nutrition the body needs. The habit of wrong diet and unhealthy seen not affect or not affect anything for our body, because it seems a lot of people who have a diet that is wrong will look healthy, but the real impact of your diet is not right will be felt in the days that have to be in an age already started to grow older.
As a result of no pity on the wrong diet, we realize that many diseases that can be felt, ranging from mild illness that seemed, until fairly serious illness or can be a serious illness. A course such as stomach ulcers, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, to the more severe is the disease of cancer, it will be felt at any time dikala you do not implement a healthy diet or a regular diet. The pattern is irregular eating habits usually start consuming food at will, either serving food excessive or even on the contrary, it could lead to a negative effect on our bodies. Usually the pattern of improper feeding is started from mealtimes we were disorganized every day, with even more reason for prioritizing the work so that forgot to eat, and then in the end will make eating late, or sometimes if eaten just and sober, with the assumption "essential feel full". Thus, a healthy diet should really you notice, in order to maintain your health to keep it healthy and strong, because there is a proverb says, "in a strong body there will be a healthy soul".

Well, from the explanation and the description above, and therefore the need to consider a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet your Dagi. Here's how to set a healthy diet:

  • Do not Forget Breakfast
Within a day, we always ate three meals a day, including breakfast or breakfast, lunch and then dinner. So to do a healthy diet, breakfast is a very important thing. So with the breakfast, you will have the energy or energy for your daily activities.

At the time of the morning, you simply consume a boiled egg which is coupled with the hard-boiled eggs boiled vegetables. But when you want to use oil for fried foods, you should use low-fat cooking oils such as olive, coconut oil and other low-fat. It can reduce cholesterol levels present in your body. And do not forget to consume low-fat milk or hot tea as a drink to supplement your diet. This way it will be able to adjust your diet healthy.

  •  Do not forget to have lunch
How to set a healthy diet it should not be done with a haphazard pattern. You need to know what the fixed portion, which does not reduce the need for nutrients needed by the body. So for lunch, you can eat foods with smaller portions when compared with the morning meal. And it is also necessary to know, do not eat foods that are high fat content.

  • Do not Forget Dinner
Then you need to pay attention to your dinner, if you eat only twice a day as only complains breakfast and lunch, the food you eat in the morning and the afternoon has been absorbed by the digestive system of the body. So you need food intestines day at night anyway, and digestive organs such as the stomach is also ready to accept a new food. So if you do not have dinner, just imagine, ranging from lunch how many hours the stomach is not filled with food, until the next morning again.

Of course if you forget the dinner, there will be bad for the body. If you do continue merenus, many diseases that may arise, such as maagh disease. Maagh disease would be dangerous for you if underestimate dinner. So it will continually memberikat bad consequences on your health.

  •  Spot the Not Rushing
With the pattern mouthful of food in a hurry or haste, this will cause you to suffer skit stomach, what does not, the food is chewed only a modest course not too destroyed when you chew, so after the food is ingested with food conditions have not been so pulverized, hull will work harder to destroy the food for further digested in the gut.

So it is advisable when the food is in the mouth, chewed need of at least between 20 and 25 times chew the food before swallowing. By eating in haste or hurry, besides looking somewhat less polite when he is eating together, it will be the driver also your desire to eat more, by eating more servings will make the performance of the digestive organs in digestion process will be more severe, as has been mentioned earlier in the above paragraphs.

  • Avoid Too Frequent Eating Fast Food
Highly recommended for you to cook food for a moment of fresh food ingredients, this will be very good for our health. For example foods containing vitamins and protein. On raw materials and fresh foods can meet nutrient intake in regulating a healthy diet.

This is different from prepared foods, such as canned ready-to-eat food, or instant noodles. Therefore avoid consumption of processed canned foods or foods from other wrappers that usually there are many mixtures of preservatives. Well, when you go shopping, try to buy fresh vegetables and fresh meat, and bread that are healthy for your body's health.

  • Avoid Excessive Drinking while Spot
Too much to drink while you are eating will be able to complicate the performance of the digestive system. Research has shown that drinking too much water while eating will be able to dilute the concentration system of gastric acid (HCl), in which the concentration of the gastric acid is needed to digest and process food into the stomach. then this will lead to at least food that can be digested by the digestive organs.

Well, if this is allowed continuously, will be able to cause a variety of illnesses suffered. Then the best solution is to drink water before eating, then drink again normally, or should you drink a little more than two hours while eating while afterwards. This will assist in the absorption of nutrients.

  • Doing Healthy Diet Program
One of the best ways for a healthy diet is executing a diet program with a regular diet and healthy. Because if not eating regularly can cause your body to become obese, or even being too fat.

  • Choosing food Various Natural Color
The purpose of the natural color of the food is eaten on the type of fruit. Strive to add and choose a color variety to your food daily, with fruits and vegetables as a friend to eat you, or dessert before or after meals. In addition, colored fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and has a rich in nutrients needed by the body, and will help you more quality of life and healthy.

Well, so how to set healthy eating patterns that need to be applied in everyday life. Because many diets are sometimes irregular, but eating and way of eating is not considered, because if you do not pay attention to a healthy diet will make a negative effect on the health of our bodies. Moreover, in terms of food, there are many tasty and delicious food, but does not provide benefits for our bodies, and even delicious food will give the side effects to health. So you need to consider also the type of healthy foods that are on the positive impact for your body. Thank you for the opportunity and the time to read this article, may provide many benefits for us all.

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