Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee

9:54 AM
Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee - Coffee is one of the preferred drink both men and women, most people the reason they have the habit of drinking coffee is to reduce fatigue and stay focused on the job. Indeed, there are some positive benefits of coffee consumption, but it turns out coffee also had a negative impact if it has become a habit in the long term. For coffee lovers, the first thing that is most important for us to know that the content of the deepest in coffee is caffeine, and the caffeine content if you consume too much can lead to disastrous consequences for your health. So that the negative effects of drinking coffee is due to caffeine and tannic acid in it, this effect will start to come on slowly and affect the body. Negative effects include such tertaur heartbeat, restlessness, muscle twitching, and anxiety.

The devastating impact of the coffee drinking will be discussed in the following explanation

Adverse Effects of Drinking Coffee for Women

As we have seen that not only the men who have the habit of consuming coffee, but some women also have the same habits. Consumption of too much caffeine can give side effects that are harmful to women's health. For more details, the following will explain the adverse effects of drinking coffee for women.

  • infertile
For the woman who had made coffee as drink specials and drink daily, you should know that with us consume excessive caffeine can affect female reproductive organs, causing the disease are on the organ in the female body that the fallopian tubes and endometriosis. The disease will cause and the cause of infertility in women, so it is that makes a woman's hard to get offspring. For women who want to get pregnant it is good to consider this matter and avoid the intake of caffeine.

  • causes Depression
The content of caffeine found in coffee that is too high will lead to depression and will cause the mood of women. Increased caffeine affects the production of dopamine and create dependence is very high. Indeed, so many women who find it difficult to abandon the habit of drinking coffee because they are caused by an increase in caffeine. However, as long as you do not consume coffee then dopamine would decline so that there will be sadness, depressed, and depression.

  • PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
For women monthly sick of this one is that it has become the nature of women, the aches and pains inflicted pain has also become accustomed. PMS is so intrusive and cause mood woman to be up and down is not known. Will tetpai did you know that coffee is a beverage that makes the body's metabolic system is not running properly. Caffeine itself causes dehydration so you will feel restless, easily provoked emotions and feel uncomfortable when the approach of PMS. Therefore, those who are menstruation avoid all kinds of beverages containing caffeine, particularly coffee. Better you multiply the water intake of more than usual to make the body metabolism system continues to run well.

  • Gastritis
Gastritis is a condition where there is inflammation in the stomach. The cause of this disease is diverse, but the triggering factor into his condition worsened that caffeine intake can be obtained from black coffee, soft drinks, chocolate or other foods that can increase stomach acid.

Adverse Effects of Coffee for Men

For most people, especially men, following the devastating impact of the coffee

  • Insomnia
The most common side effects of drinking too much coffee is hard to insomnia or sleep. This effect is caused due to the nature of caffeine in the body is to increase concentration and reaction speed of the body. So that by consuming coffee regularly in every day will make him change lifestyle and mood, including sleep time is reduced.

  •  Cardiovascular disorders
Adverse effects arising from the coffee drinking coffee next is a disorder of the heart. The first symptoms are caused heart palpitations would feel if too much coffee, because in certain levels of caffeine can affect the central nervous system in the brain.
  • Disruption Urinating
One of the benefits of consuming coffee is warm the body. When the weather is cold or are in the air conditioned room, warm up with a cup of coffee is not a good idea. As we already know that the cold just have menyebab a person more often than usual, because of the side effects of caffeine is a diuretic so it will create a need to urinate more and become frequent.

  • Indigestion
Further adverse impacts arising from drinking too much coffee is on gastrointestinal disorders such as stomach pains and nausea. This was so not because of the coffee we consume has expired, but caffeine itself that is meningkatkab acid production in the stomach. In addition, many compounds in coffee other than caffeine which can irritate the lining of the colon and digestive tract that can cause constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and heartburn.

  • Headache
Other effects caused from someone who already has the coffee drinking habits of more than 2 to 3 cups of coffee or five to six cups of coffee each day, the effects are headache because of caffeine intake that exceeds the limit.
  • Addiction
Coffee increases energy levels for the short term. But, once you get used to mengkonkumsi of coffee each day, a cup of coffee will not show hasi as before. Therefore, you will tend to drink more coffee to develop an addiction. It will also lead to adrenal fatigue.

For those of you who feel have the habit of drinking coffee and spend at least 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day, it's better now that you know the bad effects of coffee, you might think twice before drinking. Suggestions for fans to drink coffee that you should consider the recommended dose of caffeine intake per day is 200-300. If you want to stay healthy, avoid intake of caffeine is too much so, because basically something that excess will produce a bad thing and have a negative impact. Thank you for reading this article, hopefully useful. Read also other useful articles about the Fast and Easy Way to Remove Smallpox.

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