food for healthy hair

1:42 AM
food for healthy hair - Hair problems that most dirasaka by most women adaah dandruff. This is due to lack of care and cleanliness of the hair. Not to mention the other problems that make the hair becomes damaged our crown, as easy to fall out, branching, brittle and dull. It is also triggered by means of beautifying the hair the wrong use. Not even beautiful but can result in severe damage to the hair. Though the beauty of a woman lies in her hair, what if the woman's hair as the crown is damaged, it must be uncomfortable and unsightly.

Most hair treatment must be carried out with various products that comply with the condition of our hair problems, such as the use of shampoo, condisioner, until the hair vitamins are usually directly diaplikasinya on the surface of the hair. But apparently for maximum treatment is no treatment that comes from within, ie, by consuming food ingredients which have the nutrients needed by the hair, among others.

As for the food to hair health are as follows
  • Cheese and Yogurt For Brittle Hair
In both these materials contain any vitamin B5 which is capable of carrying blood to the scalp. Not to mention pntotenant acid in vitamin B5 can prevent hair loss and even baldness. 
  • Greens For Hair Growth
Spinach become one of the green leaf that can handle brittle hair and hair growth returns to a healthier state. The nutrients else so much, such as vitamin A, Iron, betakarotein, folate, and vitamin C that will work caring for hair growth perhelainya. And to keep the hair is not dry, because otherwise the hair will dry easily fractured or brittle.
  • Chickens For Hair Thickness
As the intake of protein for the body but also good for hair, especially for those of you want to have thick hair. Therefore this intake comes from meat chicken, why the selected chicken, because the fat content in chickens less than from other meats. It takes oil to keep the hair moist, but not too excess fat, will make the hair easily limp.
  • Cassava for Dry and Dull
Vitamin A in cassava help overcome dry and dull hair. If the hair is dry and dull it will cause hair loss and scalp becomes unhealthy. Even from the potatoes also contain beta carotene which gives moisture from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Besides potatoes, there are also foods such as yams the same benefits, ie, carrots, cantaloupe, and mangoes.
  • Fish To Shine
Having hair that shone like a hair shampoo ambassador and renowned artist is every woman's dream. If the hair care from the outside usually use shampoo manifold urang aring for making thick hair, black and berkeliau. So even by eating fish, especially salmon will give a lustrous and beautiful hair that makes it ideal for every woman. Due to the presence of fat in salmon that can take care of dry hair so that it becomes moist, and keeping it shiny.

Similarly, foods for healthy hair care. Because his entire body requires care that comes from outside and inside for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of problems, especially body hair. Not treating hair casually, like a day without combed hair tie, or using a vise too hot, then the hair coloring process with ingredients that spoil the beauty of our crown.

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